Strategically thinking about sustainability
Considering the landscape of funding opportunities and increased competition for resources, communities need to ensure they maintain the ability to collaborate with others. This will create a strong union to address social determinants of health among women of trans experience, with a long-lasting sustainable impact. Sustainability is not just about funding; it’s about creating and building momentum to maintain communitywide change to support women of trans experience by organizing and maximizing community assets and resources. It means institutionalizing policies and practices within your communities and organizations, and requires an approach that emphasizes the development of a shared partner network. It also means involving local contributors for their long-term buy-in and support throughout the organization’s efforts. These elements are crucial to ensuring lasting change and stustainability.
Why is it important for organizations to develop a long-term sustainability plan?
Developing a plan is a critical part of the sustainability process. A good plan can help your programs stay funded by:
- Obtaining input and buy-in from community members and key decision-makers.
- Define critical long- and short-term program strategies for funding.
- Create a plan to make the best use of resources as a means to achieving these strategies.
- Document and organize the information you’ve collected.
- Evaluate the findings.
- Create a list of strategies, activities, goals, efforts, budgets, and more.
Sustainability Checklist (MS Word)
From the EPIS Fframework
Tips & Insights
Tips & Insights
I like when they would make an appointment at the end of a session, then the counselor would call the morning of the session to remind me.
Healthy Divas participant
Oakland, CA